
What is OmegaGraf?

OmegaGraf is a vCenter monitoring deployment solution that is incredibly light, lightning fast, and dead simple. Through a web interface, users may configure and deploy an entirely open-source and containerized software stack.

Our features include:

What do I need to get started?

* If you do not have or want to use a real vCenter environment, we offer to deploy a simulator using vcsim.

What do I need to do to deploy?

Check out the Getting Started guide.

Why should I use OmegaGraf over other solutions?

OmegaGraf was inspired by several other products. We thought we could build on some of their accomplishments, any create something that was more dynamic, simpler to use, and easier to maintain.

Feature OmegaGraf SexiGraf
Integration with existing products
Removable after deployment
Collection Telegraf Perl
TSDB Prometheus Graphite
Display Grafana Modified Grafana

More coming soon…

What technology does OmegaGraf leverage?

OmegaGraf uses the following technologies:

With assets from Font Awesome, Proxima Nova, and Bootstrap via React Bootstrap.

View all our dependencies on

How can I learn more?

For more information, check out our README.

To submit an issue or enhancement, check out the issues page.

Interested in making a contribution? Check out our contributing guide.